Our Commentaries

Bodhidharma’s Outline of Practice
Diamond Sutra
Dogen’s 108 Gates of Dharma Illumination
Emptiness, A Radio Analogy
Heart Sutra
Nagarjuna’s Examination of Conditions
Nagarjuna’s Middle Way Philosophy (Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way)
Nagarjuna’s Letter to the King
Nagarjuna’s Twelve Gate Treatise
Shantideva’s The Way of the Bodhisattva, Chapter 6, Patience
Shitou’s Inside the Grass Hut
Sumedo, The Four Noble Truths, A Theravada View
Two Truths by Susan Kahn
Vasubandhu’s 51 Mental Factors
Vasubandhu’s Discussion of the Five Aggregates
Vasubandhu’s Three Natures Treatise